Domiciliary Care Allowance

What is it?

This is a monthly payment made to the carer of a child (aged under 16 years) with a severe disability who lives in the home. On reaching 16 years of age the child may qualify for the Disability Allowance.

In addition, the carer may be able to claim the Incapacitated Child Tax Credit, and if employing a carer, the tax allowance for employing a carer for a disabled person.

The value is up to €309.50 per month for each qualifying child.

Who can claim it?

There are several rules which govern  who can claim the Domiciliary Care Allowance. The child must:

  • be aged under 16 years,
  • live at home with the person claiming the allowance for at least 5 days per week,
  • meet the medical criteria (a medical assessment will be made to determine if the child has a disability so severe that extra care and attention is needed, and that there is a problem with some bodily or mental function which gives rise to this need.)
  • Be expected to require this extra care (substantially in excess of other children of the same age) for at least 12 months,
  • be ordinarily resident in the State.

The carer must

  • provide the care for the child,
  • be ordinarily resident in the State.

A half-rate payment may be made in cases where the child lives in institutional care (residential care) for some days each week, and is living the the carer at home for 2 or more days each week.

How to Apply?

To apply for the Domiciliary Care Allowance, the carer should complete the application form Dom Care 1 and send it to the Department.

The application form has some sections which must be completed by the child’s Doctor (GP). These sections include a detailed medical report.

For further information see the Domiciliary Care Allowance page on the Department of Social Protection website.

More Carer’s Payments.

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